Archive for January, 2008

Open source software movement

Posted in Assignments on January 30, 2008 by nickfelt

The article written by Chris Anderson was right on point. It was written in  2004, a lot has changed in the shared music and video world. As I write this I am listing to a new website called Pandora Radio. Pandora is Internet radio that plays music only you prefer and also provided you with information on that artist and a source to buy that track or album. Most of the music that I dig is some of the most obscure music and would never have found it otherwise. To answer the question why should communication scholars study the open source software movement is because the idea is so far from the mainstream and contradicts the norms of marketing? We are so used to be swamped with mainstream media everywhere we go. Most of us, like me, if we had a choice would rather not subscribe to this torture. This out-pour of obscure content is also giving the musicians that otherwise had limits on the amount of audience they could reach a chance to be heard. The mainstream misconception and reality is exposed and people are starting to gain access to other non traditional forms of media.


  1. will the availability of alternative media eventually get exploited and turn mainstream?
  2. Will the amount of media entertainment available online eventually wipe out movie theaters and box office hits?
  3. If the open source software movements continues on the track it is on, how will all the software be shared in the future with artistic rights in mind?

Assignment 1

Posted in Assignments on January 26, 2008 by nickfelt

Get your free education online, it will only cost you a computer. It is no surprise anymore that the majority of teens use social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook to express their emotions and feeling of being young. Though, being such a new online phenomena, some may wonder if this kind of socializing is healthy for adolescence growing up. This is why I chose this topic, because I often wonder what the effects of virtual interaction and socializing can have on the youth of today. What ever happen to good all one on ones? Myspace sites made visible the social awkwardness of adolescents and the basic conflicts of growing up.  55% of all online Americans youths age 12-17 have created profiles at social networking sites, a study found in January 2007 survey by Pew Charitable Trust. Studies now show that more than half of users are over 35 years of age, such as most of the 2008 primary presidential candidates. Safety measures have been taken to prevent any users from any inappropriate behavior, such as users have to be accepted as a friend to share their URL and there are numerous ways to report bad behavior. Some adults agree that middle school classrooms are a great setting to guide teens in understanding online safety practices and engaging in healthy online content. But most schools block these sites with the amounting parental and legal concerns making it difficult to teach teens important online safety issues. Parents encouraging online social networking are looking towards other options such as Whyville and Ning, sites that are monitored and censored daily. Most parents believe that creating meaningful content on the web will help move more responsibly into the larger spaces of our digital world.

The rapidly expanding arena of online social networking may be a safe haven for adolescence to ask some serious questions, information they would otherwise never ask in person. “Does anyone know how to cut deep without letting it sting or bleed too much?” this was an excerpt taken from an online study that monitored otherwise unmonitored chat rooms and also took notes of chat rooms that the participants knew was monitored. An answer \sprang up rather quickly, “I use box cutter blades, you have to pull the skin really tight and press the blade down really hard.” This conversation is becoming more and more common on the internet, with people seeking all kinds of advice they would never consult a person for in fear of rejections or embarrassment. The internet offers a place to go online and give your best attempt to be someone your not, but recent studies show that teens are actually confronting their own identities. Surprisingly, bloggers routinely disclose personal information, such as home address, age, sex, about themselves than previously been suggested, almost like online counseling. This leeds into the question if teens are better off with access to computers in schools? Studies have shown that children with access to computers over time show improvements in reading skills. This presents a problem because the children that need it the most, in lower income schools, have less access to those who do not need access to computers.

  Both these summaries of two different aspects of online social networking may seem different at first, but actually ask the same very important question. Both articles cover the same general topics, that teens are dominating these social networks and using them as a spring board to get the answers to some tough questions. Studies do show that teens are becoming more honest and facing their own realities when using myspace or facebook. The ultimate question is if the outcome of this is going to be a mess or not? It is too if the first stages to really tell what this may all lead to, but both have seem to express that there is high hope for monitored online social networks and this can help teens grow in a sense. The first article “The Myspace Culture,” I thought covered some interesting points, specially that teens creating meaningful content on the web with advance them in these tech based times, but it did not cover the realty that there are so many options and websites to browse and create content, this trend is not slowing either. How will parents regulate their children from visiting these websites when they are accessing computes elsewhere? The second article was interesting, I had no idea there were so many self help websites available to teens and the issues being discussed were somewhat surprising. Teens need some sort of outlet to express their feelings and emotions, but I think some censoring or monitoring should be in place, after all you would never let your child roam the street at night alone.


 Hayes, Sandy. “The Myspace Culture: Voices from the middle.” Urbana (Dec 2007) Vol. 15, Iss 2; pg. 59, 2 pgs

Bower, Bruce. “Growing Up Online: Young people jump headfirst into the interment world.”Science News (2006)

For “the Myspace Culture” article I used Proquest data base.

For “Growing up online,” I used JSTOR database

Being Analog post

Posted in Assignments on January 24, 2008 by nickfelt

I found the first article to be the most influential of this writing. I learned some interesting facts about several things, one that humans are analog creatures and we are programed to correspond to physical structures and modes. I guess I knew this somehow and is kind of basic knowledge, but I had never put the human vs. machine equation together. Machines, which are for the most part digitally operated with complex algorithms, are designed to run with little or no error. Humans are compliant, flexible and tolerant, over so many centuries we had learned to adapt  to ambiguous circumstances. The problem of man vs. machine exist because computers require humans to be rigid, fixed and intolerant. This makes perfect sense and explains why every other day I come way to close to ejecting my laptop out my office window.

 Digital operation may be okay for machines, but when the human element is added, as it often is, things start to get confusing. I found that it may be possible for machines to operate on analog in the future, thus complying to human interaction. This seems to be the a great solution, but far from reality. It it true that humans are reflexive beings, and for the most part I think we have accomplished great things via digital technologies. In this aspect we can still coexist, just with a bit of friction.


1. Being that we are just scratching the surface of digital technology, how long will it be before analog technology we be popular.

2. Do you thing over centuries  the  human  brain can begin to process digital technologies like a computer, being that humans are so adaptable.

3. Will future analog devices be able to learn and adapt like humans.

Class Reflection

Posted in Assignments on January 23, 2008 by nickfelt

question: with plenty of individuals out there who dont quitw know how to find quality information, what affects does this have on society?

Answer: To answer this question you can look at perfect examples such as wikipedia, where anybody can change the information that is read, true or not. Many college professors suggest not to use wikipedia, let alone credit it as a reliable source in any sort of essay. though we see a mass of people still using sources like this daily and quoting them as fact. It is best demonstrated when thinking about how rumors spread about the masses so quikly, and in the process get distorted. Information can be looked at the same way, it can flow about the internet so quikly and in the process get changed and distorted so badly the end result it nothing reflecting the original.

Class Reflection

Posted in Uncategorized on January 23, 2008 by nickfelt

question: with plenty of individuals out there who dont quitw know how to find quality information, what affects does this have on society?

Answer: To answer this question you can look at perfect examples such as wikipedia, where anybody can change the information that is read, true or not. Many college professors suggest not to use wikipedia, let alone credit it as a reliable source in any sort of essay. though we see a mass of people still using sources like this daily and quoting them as fact. It is best demonstrated when thinking about how rumors spread about the masses so quikly, and in the process get distorted. Information can be looked at the same way, it can flow about the internet so quikly and in the process get changed and distorted so badly the end result it nothing reflecting the original.

RSS Search?

Posted in Uncategorized on January 16, 2008 by nickfelt

Wow, I went to my favorite online news publication website and found nothing at first glance. I was expecting to see the little orange icon in the right hantd corner, being this was MSN news, a major news organization. As I explored more in  depth I came across the abbreviation RSS, a word that I have recently just learned. So I clicked on it and WOW. There it was in plain site, the little orange icon in plain site, but multiplied by one hundred. I was presented with the option to subscribe to at least fifty different areas of interest, after scrolling through the list I click on my interest, sports. Then it presented me with 20 different up to date stories about top sports athletes and organizations.

rethinking my daily use if digital media

Posted in Assignments on January 16, 2008 by nickfelt

It amazes me how much actually power is a the tips of my fingertips every time I log onto my computer. It is true in a literal sense and actual sense. Their has been proved examples of Internet content, such as the Nike email, that has been posted purely to rant and rave to friends, but ends up in the view of millions of people. The disruptive power the Internet has potential of is scary, but on the other hand is evolutionary. Their is no other medium in the world that had such potential to simultaneously reach as many viewers as the Internet. Though print technologies may seem out of date and obsolete, it still will withhold the test of time and may also serve as a archive. But we are talking about digital media, where it may me synchronous and asynchronous. It also has no geographical constraints and information via Internet can end up in the hands of two people simultaneously across the world. What amazing times we are living in, I would hate to be technologically left in the dust.

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 10, 2008 by nickfelt

The apperance of the administration page lightened. it asked to leave a comment.


Posted in Assignments on January 9, 2008 by nickfelt

I can not think of a day that had gone by where I have not used some form of digital media. I think its safe to assume that the majority of America can say something along the same lines. This is nothing new either,we have crossed the thresh-hold into a digital world decades ago. Some of us, like me, have simply been playing catchup. The ironic equation to these exciting times are that the older are catching up with the younger generations. I fall somewhere in the middle. The recent purchase of a new HP laptop has expedited my recent endeavors into this digital world. Since i have added to my digital resume with new cameras, ipods, televisions, blue-tooth, cellphones, alarm clock ipod, the list can go on and on. These digital gadgets are created to simplify your life, right? Well, this is a question that can not be answered yet. Some make my life easier, but some give me a headache just figuring out how to use them. I guess that what comes along with learning anything new, it makes me wonder what can we create next!